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2025 Funding Opportunities
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Funding Opportunities
Request for Applications (RFA): Bridging Gaps in Advancing Human Skeletal Muscle Regeneration
Title: Bridging Gaps in Advancing Human Skeletal Muscle Regeneration
I. Overview
MDA invites applications for innovative, multidisciplinary research projects aimed at advancing our understanding of human skeletal muscle regeneration. This RFA seeks to address critical knowledge gaps identified by leading experts in muscle biology, with the ultimate goal of guiding effective therapeutic strategies to restore muscle function in individuals affected by advanced muscle weakness and wasting caused by neuromuscular disease.
II. Background
Recent therapeutic advancements have primarily focused on preventing or slowing muscle loss in neuromuscular diseases. However, these treatments offer limited benefits to patients who have already experienced significant muscle degeneration. There is an urgent need to develop strategies that can regenerate lost muscle tissue and restore functionality.
On July 19, 2024, the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) joined with partners in the advocacy field (AFM Telethon, Cure Duchenne, Cure Rare Disease, FSHD Society, Jain Foundation, Muscular Dystrophy Australia, RYR-1 Foundation, SMA Foundation and Solve FSHD) to host a summit on muscle regeneration. The summit provided a focused opportunity for leading muscle biology experts to identify and discuss current hurdles and new strategies that can benefit people struggling with advanced muscle weakness and degeneration. The main challenges and opportunities raised by experts at our summit can be categorized into the following areas:
- Translational gap from mouse to human
- Lack of access to patient biospecimens for studies of regeneration
- Gaps in knowledge of how healthy muscles develop and regenerate
- Biomarkers and clinical read-outs of regeneration to measure in clinical trials
This RFA aims to catalyze research that addresses these critical areas, fostering collaborations that bridge basic science and clinical application.
III Research Focus Areas
Applicants are encouraged to propose projects that align with one or more of the following focus areas. Studies that utilize human-derived materials or can demonstrate clinical translatability are preferred.
Improve understanding of regeneration in skeletal muscle tissue
- Study the time course and kinetics of muscle regeneration following controlled injury or degeneration in healthy and/or diseased human tissue.
- Analyze muscle tissue to map regenerative processes at the fiber, cellular and nuclear level; bridging findings in preclinical models to humans
- Examine how different neuromuscular diseases and genetics affect regenerative capacity in humans.
- Investigate the role of the muscle matrix, including fibrotic and fatty tissue components, in supporting or hindering regeneration in neuromuscular disease.
- Analyze the influence of soluble factors and surrounding fluids on muscle stem cell activity and differentiation.
- Develop and utilize humanized models of muscle regeneration that better reflect human physiology and disease progression.
Establishing Biomarkers and Clinically Translatable Outcome Measures
- Investigate advanced imaging modalities (e.g. MRI, MSOT) to monitor and visualize cell engraftment and/or muscle regeneration.
- Define biomarkers that reflect different phases of muscle regeneration and/or engraftment for cell therapies.
- Investigate the utility of fine needle aspirates, biofluids, and non-invasive imaging as alternatives to muscle biopsies in studies of muscle regeneration.
Key Dates:
RFA Open: December 16, 2025
Letter of Intent Due: February 28, 2025
Application Due: April 15, 2025
Start date: September 1, 2025Funding:
- The award(s) will be $100,000 per year over a two-year period
Application Instructions:
- Letters of intent (LOI) will be required for screening of project relevance before invitation to submit a full application.
- Applicants are encouraged to reach out to the research team ( to discuss additional related ideas and topics that are not covered above.
- To view application instructions, log in to MDA’s online grants management system, ProposalCentral.
MDA Development Grants (DG)
The purpose of the Development Grants program is to expand the number of scientists conducting meritorious neuromuscular disease research funding postdoctoral investigators in the laboratory of a senior investigator under whose guidance the researcher will be given flexibility to work independently or as part of a collaborative effort. Applications will be accepted for no more than $70,000 per year for 3 years.
See MDA Research Department Grant Policy Manual for details.
Who can apply?
To be eligible for a Development Grant, an applicant must:
- Hold a Doctor of Medicine (M.D.), Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Doctor of Science (D.Sc.) or equivalent degree (i.e., D.O.),
- Be a member of a research team at an appropriate US or non-US based institution,
- Be qualified to conduct a program of original research under the supervision of an independent investigator (mentor),
- Have an acceptable research plan for a specific disease in MDA's portfolio,
- Have access to institutional resources necessary to conduct the proposed research project,
- Have a minimum of eighteen (18) months of post-degree research laboratory training at the time of application,
- Be no more than 84 months (7 years) from receiving a Ph.D. or D.Sc.; or no more than 120 months (9 years) from receiving an M.D., D.O. or M.D., Ph.D. by the application deadline. Please email Bryan Criswell at with any questions about the eligibility window.
- Not have been funded under the Development Grant program in the past,
- By the application deadline, applicants must be in compliance with MDA’s Good Standing policy and be up to date on any delinquent or incomplete grant deliverable from previously awarded grants. See MDA Research Department Grant Policy Manual for details.
For questions email
MDA Research Grants (RG)
MDA Research Grants are awarded to independent, established investigators to accelerate progress toward understanding and treating neuromuscular disease. Applications will be accepted for no more than $100,000 per year for 3 years.
See MDA Research Department Grant Policy Manual for details.
New for 2025 grant cycle! - MDA is implementing a new triage process at the LOI stage. The Research Plan (2-pages) will be reviewed by MDA’s Research Advisory Committee (RAC) to determine whether applicants should be invited to submit a full grant application. The LOI must be submitted by the deadline to be considered for the full application.
Who can apply?
To be eligible to apply for an MDA Research Grant, an applicant must:
- Hold a Doctor of Medicine (M.D.), Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Doctor of Science (D.Sc.) or equivalent degree (i.e. D.O.);
- Be a professional or faculty member (Professor, Associate Professor or Assistant Professor) at an appropriate educational, medical or research institution. Investigators from both US and non-US institutions are eligible to apply. Applicants with non-traditional positions/titles (such Group Leader, Research Scientist, or Instructor etc.) should contact the grants manager to confirm eligibility.
- Be qualified to conduct a program of original research within their own laboratory;
- Have an independent research plan for a specific disease in MDA's portfolio;
- Assume both administrative and financial responsibility for the grant;
- Have access to institutional resources necessary to conduct the proposed research project; and
- An investigator may only apply once per grant type (such as Research Grant, Idea, etc.) per cycle as the PI on the application.
- By the application deadline, applicants must be in compliance with MDA’s Good Standing policy and be up to date on any delinquent or incomplete grant deliverable from previously awarded grants. See MDA Research Department Grant Policy Manual for details.
For questions email
MDA Conference Grants (CG)
MDA supports meetings and conferences focused on the muscular dystrophies and related diseases of the neuromuscular system. These are the muscular dystrophies (including Duchenne and Becker); motor neuron diseases (including ALS and SMA); the peripheral nerve disorders (CMT and Friedreich's ataxia); inflammatory myopathies; disorders of the neuromuscular junction; metabolic diseases of muscle as well as other myopathies. Conference grants are awarded to encourage scientific meetings for researchers and/or clinicians to exchange ideas and to establish collaborations. Meetings focused on therapy development will be considered a priority. Conference grants are awarded to applicants who are organizing meetings and not to individuals wishing to travel to conferences.
- Contact for more information on how to apply.
MDA Idea Awards
The MDA Idea Award Program seeks bold, innovative research ideas that can have an impact in the field of neuromuscular disease. The idea should be supported by a strong scientific premise and include a feasible experimental plan. Applications will be accepted for no more than $50,000 for one year.
Who can apply?
To be eligible to apply for the MDA Idea Award, an applicant must:
- Hold a Doctor of Medicine (M.D.), Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Doctor of Science (D.Sc.) or equivalent degree (i.e. D.O.);
- Be a professional or faculty member (Professor, Associate Professor or Assistant Professor) at an appropriate educational, medical or research institution. Investigators from both US and non-US institutions are eligible to apply. Applicants with non-traditional positions/titles (such Group Leader, Research Scientist, or Instructor etc.) should contact the grants manager to confirm eligibility.
- Be qualified to conduct a program of original research within their own laboratory;
- Have an independent research plan for a specific disease in MDA's portfolio;
- Assume both administrative and financial responsibility for the grant;
- Have access to institutional resources necessary to conduct the proposed research project; and
- An investigator may only apply once per grant type (such as Research Grant, Idea, etc.) per cycle as the PI on the application.
- By the application deadline, applicants must be in compliance with MDA’s Good Standing policy and be up to date on any delinquent or incomplete grant deliverable from previously awarded grants. See MDA Research Department Grant Policy Manual for details.
MDA is not accepting Idea grant applications for the 2025 grant review cycle.
MDA Research Infrastructure Grants (RIG)
Infrastructure Grants are designed to support the development of tools, techniques, and services of need to the neuromuscular research community. The main review criterion for this grant is need for the infrastructure to further research for the purpose of therapy development. Recipients of an MDA Infrastructure Grant must develop a plan to make this MDA-funded resource available to the research community and have a plan for sustaining the infrastructure beyond the period of MDA support. Letters of support from the community are an essential part of the application.
Who can apply?
To be eligible to apply for an MDA Research Infrastructure Grant, an applicant must:
- Hold a Doctor of Medicine (M.D.), Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Doctor of Science (D.Sc.) or equivalent degree (i.e. D.O.);
- Be a professional or faculty member (Professor, Associate Professor or Assistant Professor) at an appropriate educational, medical or research institution. Investigators from both US and non-US institutions are eligible to apply. Applicants with non-traditional positions/titles (such Group Leader, Research Scientist, or Instructor etc.) should contact the grants manager to confirm eligibility.
- Be qualified to conduct a program of original research within their own laboratory;
- Have an independent research plan for a specific disease in MDA's portfolio;
- Assume both administrative and financial responsibility for the grant;
- Have access to institutional resources necessary to conduct the proposed research project; and
- An investigator may only apply once per grant type (such as Research Grant, Idea, etc.) per cycle as the PI on the application.
- By the application deadline, applicants must be in compliance with MDA’s Good Standing policy and be up to date on any delinquent or incomplete grant deliverable from previously awarded grants. See MDA Research Department Grant Policy Manual for details.
MDA is not accepting Infrastructure grant applications for the 2025 grant review cycle.
MDA Clinical Research Grants (CRG)
Clinical Research Grants are milestone-driven projects that aid of development of therapeutic interventions for neuromuscular diseases.
Who can apply?
To be eligible to apply for a Clinical Research Grant, an applicant must:
- Hold a Doctor of Medicine (M.D.), Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Doctor of Science (D.Sc.) or equivalent degree (i.e. D.O.),
- Be qualified to conduct and mentor a program of original clinical research at an appropriate US or non-US based institution as an independent investigator (not a trainee, post-doctoral fellow, research assistant, research associate and not under the supervision of another person who is directing the research),
- Have an independent clinical research plan for a specific disease in MDA's portfolio;
- Assume both administrative and financial responsibility for the grant,
- Have access to institutional resources necessary to conduct the proposed research project,
- By the application deadline, applicants must be in compliance with MDA’s Good Standing policy and be up to date on any delinquent or incomplete grant deliverable from previously awarded grants. See MDA Research Department Grant Policy Manual for details.
MDA is not accepting Clinical Research grant applications for the 2025 grant review cycle.
MDA Clinical Research Network Grants (CRNG)
Clinical Research Network Grants are meant to form a network to promote and accelerate clinical research helping support the infrastructure necessary to conduct this research efficiently through the collaborative activities of the network.
Who can apply?
To be eligible to apply for a Clinical Research Network Grant, an applicant must:
- Hold a Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) or equivalent degree (i.e. D.O.),
- Be a permanent member of an MDA Care Center team. If the PI is not a named MDA Care Center director, a letter of support from the Care Center’s director(s) is required,
- Be qualified to conduct clinical research at an appropriate US or non-US based institution,
- See or have access to a minimum of 100 individuals with a disease covered in MDA’s portfolio each year,
- Have an independent clinical research network plan for a disease covered in MDA’s program,
- Have or employ adequate personnel to allow active participation in network activities,
- Assume both administrative and financial responsibility for the grant,
- Have the ability to obtain funding for research projects conducted through the network,
- By the application deadline, applicant must be in compliance with MDAs Good Standing policy and be up to date on any delinquent or incomplete grant deliverable from previously awarded grants. See MDA Research Department Grant Policy Manual for details.
MDA is not accepting Clinical Research Network grant applications for the 2025 grant review cycle.
Contact our Grants Management team for further information about MDA’s Research Grants program and how to apply and/or to request being added to our funding opportunities mailing list: For a full list of MDA-Covered diseases, see this document.
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